Tadpole Class
age 2.5 - early 3
Program Options Available for Monday – Friday (inquire for more details)
Morning ExtraCare (optional): 8:30am – 9am
Program Hours: 9am – 1pm
Nap/Rest Time (optional): 1:15pm – 3pm
Afternoon ExtraCare (optional): 3pm – 4:30pm
Potty training not required
The Tadpoles Class is an introduction to the world of preschool. Our very skilled teachers have been working for many years to skillfully help very young children and many somewhat nervous parents make this big transition. Through endless patience, smiles and understanding during this necessary step in trusting someone other than your nuclear family, children and parents take their first steps into school. Trust is the key. When children, and their families, feel relaxed and safe they are able to begin their new adventure.
This class includes so many firsts! Saying goodbye, beginning to use language, accustoming bodies to using the potty, and discovering fun in a new and expanded setting. The classroom presents a wide array of activities and choices, so much more than at home! Play can be inside or outside. Everyone's favorites are here, kitchens, babies, trucks and trains, tactile bins of water, rice, beads, beans, play dough with jewels! A big sandbox, climbing structures and small ride-upons are featured in a private fenced yard exclusively for this class. Even in this beginning room art is presented and always a choice. The painting easel is ever present and many projects are helped along by the teachers. Besides sensory and tactile materials, comforting favorites and seasonal variety, the room also features a special area that offers puzzles, building objects, manipulatives, and choices to develop focus and attention.
On top of all this fun, nature is introduced as part of our world, lovely plants and flowers abound, hummingbirds and butterflies are fed and grown, music is enjoyed by lots of singing during the day and stories are read and enjoyed. As with all our classes, parent communication is abundant and so appreciated.